Tortoise Champions School Competition 2018/2019
We reveal the winners of our first annual Tortoise Champions school competition...
As part of our exciting Tortoise Champions programme, we asked our participating schools to enter our first annual Tortoise Champions school competition. All the entries we received were amazing – well done everyone – and here are our winners!
Click on each photo to enlarge!
Competition one: Tortoise Diary
We asked the students to write about a day or two in the life of a Galapagos giant tortoise! Well done to Grace, Year 3, All Saints for her fabulous winning entry!
Competition Two: Tortoise Poster
We asked the students to create an exciting poster about what they’ve learned so far about giant tortoises! Well done to Lily & Kiki, Year 4, St. Peters Alton for their very informative and colourful entry!
Best Class Effort!
Well done to Year 3 All Saints who won best class effort! They’re lucky enough to win a video call from a real life tortoise scientist! As well as Grace, who won the best diary entry (above), here are the rest of the entries from their class!
Is your classroom full of budding young scientists? Would you like to explore the fascinating world of the Galapagos giant tortoise?
Join our Tortoise Champions programme and become part of a network of conservation ambassadors helping to protect this iconic Galapagos species for just £35 per academic year!