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Waved albatross, Española island, Galapagos
© Jenny McKee

Galapagos Conservation Trust was established in 1995 as a UK registered charity (number 1043470) and a company limited by guarantee (number 3004112). Our Annual Review and audited Annual Reports are available to download here. 

The Trust is governed by a Board of up to 14 voluntary Trustees, who are elected for three-year terms and may serve three full terms if they choose to do so. 

The Board of Trustees is led by a Chair, elected by the Trustees, who ensures that the Board operates effectively and works closely with the Chief Executive. A Vice-Chair is also elected. The Board is supported by the Honorary Treasurer who has specific duties for the oversight of financial activities. Sub-committees of the Board are established to support the governance of the Trust and act in an advisory capacity to the main Board. The current standing committees include Finance, Audit and Risk, Fundraising and Communications, Programmes and Grants, and Nominations. These committees may include advisors who are not Trustees. 

The Board is the ultimate decision-making body for the Trust: responsible for ensuring that the Trust carries out its charitable objectives in accordance with all relevant legislation. 

The Board sets the overall vision, mission, policy and goals for the organisation, normally meeting at least four times a year to discuss Trust business and to take major decisions. With the Chief Executive, the Trustees agree and set out the policy and strategy to be implemented by the Trust’s staff and volunteers. 

Our Trustees

Bringing a wealth of knowledge and experience from across different sectors and industries, our Trustees are passionate about our mission to conserve the unique nature and beauty of Galapagos.

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