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Galapagos Wildlife

Medium ground finch
© Matthew Wixon
American flamingo in Galapagos

American flamingo

The American flamingo is well known for having vibrant pink feathers and a flexible neck. Galapagos is home to a small population of a few hundred flamingos.
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Avian vampire fly (Philornis downsi)

Avian vampire fly

The small land birds of Galapagos are particularly vulnerable to the invasive, parasitic fly species known as the avian vampire fly (Philornis downsi).
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Bacalao grouper

Bacalao grouper

The Bacalao grouper is the local name for this large whitefish which is common in the waters around Galapagos.
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Black rat in Galapagos

Black rat

The impact of invasive black rats is particularly severe in Galapagos due to the high numbers of endemic species, which have evolved in the absence of predators.
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Blacktip shark in Galapagos

Blacktip shark

One of the most common sharks in Galapagos, the blacktip shark is seen frequently in shallow coastal waters.
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Blue-footed boobies

Blue-footed booby

The blue-footed booby is a favourite for many visitors to Galapagos and its brightly coloured feet makes it one of the easiest birds to identify.
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Volcan Chico, Isabela island, Galapagos

Candelabra cactus

This large endemic species of cactus gets its name from its distinctive shape which resembles a candle holder.
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Pod of dolphins in Galapagos

Cetaceans of Galapagos

A cetacean is any marine mammal of the order Cetacea, comprising of whales, dolphins and porpoises. Around 24 species have been recorded in the Galapagos Marine Reserve.
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One of Darwin's finches in Galapagos

Darwin's finches

There are 17 species of Darwin's finches found in the Galapagos Islands, which are famous for their evolutionary history.
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Española mockingbird

Española mockingbird

As its name suggests, the Española mockingbird is found on Española island and is the largest of the mockingbird species in Galapagos.
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