Rewilding Floreana Webinar 2024
Our April webinar focused on the restoration of Floreana, with Jeff Dawson of Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust reporting back from his recent trip to the island.
The eradication of invasive species from Floreana island, a globally significant project that has been more than a decade in the planning, finally began in October 2023, and initial indications are positive regarding the removal of rats and mice. This paves the way for the next stage of the project: the reintroduction of 12 locally extinct species, including the Floreana giant tortoise, the Floreana mockingbird and the little vermilion flycatcher.
The project, led by the Galapagos National Park Directorate and the Galapagos Biosecurity Agency in partnership with the Floreana community, co-executed by Fundación Jocotoco and Island Conservation, and supported by GCT, Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust and others, has as its ultimate aim the restoration of the island’s degraded ecosystem, which has suffered more than any other island in Galapagos from damage inflicted by humans.
At our webinar we learnt about the incredible effort that went into the planning and execution of the eradication on Floreana, got the latest updates from the field, and found out more about the exciting next steps in this hugely ambitious project. Our guest speaker was Jeff Dawson, Field Programmes Manager at Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust, who has recently returned from a trip to Galapagos where he was able to visit Floreana and witness the latest stage in the project first hand.
Watch the webinar now on YouTube…

Underwater Wonders of Galapagos
Join us on Wednesday 12 June for a webinar with shark scientist Dr Alex Hearn, who will be regaling us with tales from his recent expeditions investigating the health of marine life around Galapagos.

Rewilding Galapagos Appeal
We need your help to rewild the Galapagos Islands so that wildlife thrives alongside people, reducing the human footprint and boosting biodiversity.
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