Common name:
Galapagos short-eared owl
Scientific name:
Asio flammeus galapagoensis
Spanish name:
Búho campestre de las Galápagos
Conservation status:
Least Concern
Average lifespan:
13 years
Average size:
40 centimetres (Height) / 92 centimetres (Wingspan)
Average weight:
3 kilograms
The Galapagos short-eared owl is a sub-species of the short-eared owl, a bird found on all continents except Antarctica. Galapagos short-eared owls are endemic to the Galapagos Islands and, as is frequently the case with Galapagos endemics, their colouration is darker and they are smaller than their mainland counterparts.
Their name arises from the small ear tufts set near the centre of their forehead. They have a wingspan of 85-100 centimetres and are silent fliers. The sexes are alike, with the females generally larger than the males, and immature plumage resembling that of the adults.
Galapagos short-eared owls in Galapagos
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