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Free membership offer

Galapagos Conservation Trust membership pack

Without our members, we could not fund the crucial research and fieldwork that the Islands desperately need – so thank you very much for deciding to join the Galapagos community. 

All members of Galapagos Conservation Trust receive the following benefits: 

An annual subscription to Galapagos Matters
Our biannual magazine will keep you up to date with how your membership is helping conserve the Galapagos Islands.

Monthly email newsletter
Bringing you the latest Galapagos news and information about GCT projects and events.

A special Galapagos gift
An exclusive GCT Galapagos tortoise pin badge on joining.

Please note, a month prior to your membership expiring we will be in touch to see if you would like to continue your support. 

Claim your free one-year membership...

DD slash MM slash YYYY
DD slash MM slash YYYY

Direct Debit details (optional)

You have the option to enter your Direct Debit details if you would like to commit now to signing up as a paying member in 12 months’ time. This can be cancelled at any time during your first year but allows GCT to plan income levels, which directly benefits conservation in Galapagos. If you do not wish to provide your Direct Debit details now, we will contact you by email and/or post in 11 months’ time asking if you would like to become a paid member. You can also pay for your membership via credit card or cheque.
Sign me up to the following membership level after my free trial:

Contact Preferences

We'd love to keep you up to date with the latest news from Galapagos, including updates on our conservation projects, events, appeals and other fundraising activities. Read our privacy policy for more information on how we use your data.
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