Common name:
Galapagos mockingbird
Scientific name:
Mimus parvulus
Spanish name:
Cucuve de Galápagos
Conservation status:
Least Concern
Maximum size:
26 centimetres
Average weight:
52 grams
The Galapagos mockingbird is the most common of the four mockingbird species found on the Islands. It is a largish grey and white bird with a long tail, curved bill and black face mask. It looks very similar to the other mockingbird species but has mostly unmarked feathers on its belly. Juveniles have chevron-type marks on their breasts and sides.
The birds are usually found in dry lowland areas, with scattered trees or Opuntia cacti, but can occasionally be found in the highlands. They are omnivorous and eat a wide range of foods including insects, fruit, small lizards and crabs. They will also peck ticks from iguanas and, on Santa Fe, have been observed drinking blood from both marine and land iguanas. They spend a lot of time on the ground and will often be seen running rather than flying.
Galapagos mockingbirds are social birds and cooperative breeders, forming groups of two to 20 individuals which are highly territorial. Each group usually includes several breeding pairs, which build their nests in cacti or acacia trees. Others in the group are helpers and will aid in rearing any young birds.
Galapagos mockingbirds in Galapagos
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Help us protect the landbirds of Galapagos by donating today or by adopting a Floreana mockingbird.
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