Felipe Cruz obituary
It is with great sadness that we report that our great friend and colleague, Felipe Cruz, passed away on 9 August 2018 at 60 years of age.
Born to one of the first families to settle in Galapagos on Floreana island, Felipe was a passionate conservationist, driven to protect his home Islands for their unique biodiversity and for future generations. Through his various roles at the Galapagos National Park and Charles Darwin Foundation, he played a significant role in some of the largest ecosystem restoration projects in Galapagos including Project Isabela, an eight year, multi-million dollar programme to rid northern Isabela and Santiago islands of introduced goats, paving the way for ecosystem regeneration on a vast scale. He has been a close collaborator of GCT since we were set up in 1995.

Felipe Cruz and Sir David Attenborough at our 2009 Darwin Bicentenary Dinner at Christ’s College Cambridge
Felipe’s passion for Galapagos was infectious and has inspired so many to get involved with the mission to protect this special place. Our projects manager Jen Jones said: “I was lucky enough to work closely with Felipe when I first started at GCT in 2011. Thirsty for knowledge about Galapagos, I loved hearing him express his passion for the Islands. I particularly remember the way he described the sound of the petrels coming in to roost at Cerro Pajas in Floreana – something I was lucky enough to experience years later in person with his great friend and colleague Karl Campbell. Felipe, you will always be remembered by GCT, not only for your amazing achievements towards Galapagos conservation but also for your sense of humour, friendship and mischief!”.
Felipe’s memory will always be in the hearts of the Galapagos conservation community. He has left a huge legacy for the Islands and his family, including his beloved son Rashid.