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10/03/2022 Citizen science Education and outreach

British Science Week 2022

It's British Science Week - a celebration of science, technology, engineering and maths with the theme 'Growth'.

Sarah Langford

Education Writer

It’s British Science Week between 11-20 March, and across schools, learning centres, communities and homes there will be an explosion of science activities and learning taking place. This celebration of science, technology, engineering and maths is an annual event, engaging audiences throughout the UK. Last year over 500,000 participants took part.

This year’s theme of ‘Growth’ instantly brought to mind the rocky terrain of Galapagos shores and the daily fight for survival plants endure to grow in this harsh environment. Alongside these plants marine iguanas bask on volcanic black rocks, flattening their bodies to absorb the sun’s warmth, faces directed towards its rays.

Recent drone footage of marine iguana colonies, taken from a field survey around the northern and western islands, illustrates how advances in scientific technology have enabled us to capture snapshots of the lives of many animals we could only have previously dreamed of.

Launching a drone in Galapagos to survey the coastline
Advances in scientific technology have enabled us to capture snapshots of the lives of many animals we could only have previously dreamed of © Andrea Varela

Such advances have led to a growth in knowledge and understanding for both scientist and citizen, informing conservation strategies and providing opportunities for communities worldwide to engage in scientific programmes or ‘Citizen Science.’

GCT’s Citizen Science Portal supports a number of projects including Iguanas from Above, which allows individuals and communities to participate in ‘real science’ by counting iguanas in a series of drone images to provide an accurate picture of the status of this threatened species.

A drone image sample captured at Cabo Douglas, Fernandina
These amazing drone images feature in the project ‘Iguanas from Above’ © Dr Amy MacLeod
Marine iguana at Cabo Douglas, Fernandina

Iguanas From Above

Iguanas from Above is an innovative project that combines drone technology with citizen science to monitor the health of marine iguana populations in Galapagos.

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The Discovering Galapagos teacher zone hosts a wide range of activities suitable for primary and secondary aged students based on the unique partnerships we have with scientists across the archipelago. The Giant Tortoise Movement Ecology Programme (GTMEP) explores the fascinating world of the Galapagos giant tortoise and how tracking technology allows us to gain insight into the movements of these gentle giants on their annual migrations. From land to sea, scientists track ocean giants to help answer questions of their mysterious lives.

The resources to compliment our book, Marti the Hammerhead Shark: A Galapagos Journey, explore the science of tracking marine species as they journey on their annual migrations, and how gaining knowledge of their movements is key to protecting their future.

Tagging Galapagos giant tortoises
Tagging Galapagos giant tortoises © Christian Ziegler

This British Science Week join our growing community of ‘Discovering Galapagos’ explorers to discover more about the wildlife and scientific endeavours on these Enchanted Isles.

All our resources can be used for individual or group learning and are suitable for most ages. They can be all used in the classroom or at home by a teacher, parent, or guardian.

Marti the Hammerhead Shark

Marti the Hammerhead Shark: A Galapagos Journey is our first educational storybook. It follows Marti, a young scalloped hammerhead shark, on her journey from the Galapagos Islands to Cocos Island, Costa Rica. Through Marti and her marine friends’ magical, yet perilous, journey across the Pacific Ocean, children will learn about the dangers that Critically Endangered scalloped hammerheads face on their epic migrations. Furthermore, they will discover more about the scientists who track these incredible journeys and how to protect marine species.

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